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Closing nurseries saves BBC 4m

  • Wednesday, February 21, 2007
  • | Nursery World
The BBC is saving more than 4m by closing down its workplace nurseries and plans to spend the money on programming, Nursery World has learned. Trade unions BECTU and the National Union of Journalists have collected more than 1,200 signatures against the proposal for phased closures of seven subsidised nurseries announced by the BBClast year (News, 14 December 2006). The closures will begin in late 2007 and the last nursery will shut in 2010.

Twins: Two by two

  • Wednesday, January 2, 2002
  • | Nursery World
You can respect twin children's characteristics while treating the two of them as unique individuals. Dr Penny Munn gives advice for sensitive double dealing

In brief...

  • Wednesday, January 2, 2002
  • | Nursery World
A training programme for staff working with children to help them respond to suspected child sexual abuse has been introduced by the NSPCC. The charity's Educare programme, 'Creating a culture of safety', is a distance learning scheme aimed at people working in after-school clubs, leisure facilities or for any organisation providing activities for children or for adults who are accompanied by children. The programme confronts myths about adults who pose a threat to children, as well as covering recruitment practices and what to do when witnessing worrying behaviour. Contact the NSPCC on 020 7825 2775.

In brief...

  • Wednesday, January 2, 2002
  • | Nursery World
The Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland has pledged that the country's Executive will protect children's rights, meet their needs and include their voices. Last month Mark Durkan met in Belfast with Olara Otunnu, the United Nations special representative for armed conflict and children, and told him the Province's proposed commissioner for children would be 'a visible sign of this commitment'. He said, 'This unique appointment will help us to meet our aim of putting Northern Ireland at the leading edge of best practice in children's issues.' He also said the Executive planned to bring forward a ten-year strategy for children and young people that would take account of the role played by parents and families.

Art and craft

  • Wednesday, February 21, 2007
  • | Nursery World
Squeeze and stretch Handling malleable materials is always a popular activity in early years settings. Try this mixture as an alternative to playdough, clay and gloop.

Quack, quack

  • Wednesday, February 21, 2007
  • | Nursery World
One of the most popular creatures with the younger ages provides a rich basis for cross-curricular activities suggested by Jean Evans Even the youngest children enjoy pretending to make duck noises and singing 'Five little ducks', so why not enhance this early interest with a fascinating project on ducks.

Debate opened on a 'good childhood'

  • Wednesday, September 20, 2006
  • | Nursery World
An independent national inquiry into what makes 'a good childhood' in the UK today has been launched by the Children's Society. The 12-member inquiry panel includes the children's commissioner for England, Sir Al Aynsley Green, and it will be chaired by Professor Judith Dunn, child development psychologist at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is its patron.

Neston Children's Centre, South Wirral

  • Wednesday, February 21, 2007
  • | Nursery World
* Neston Children's Centre, South Wirral, has become the first in Cheshire to gain an Inclusion Quality Mark. Open since September 2005, the centre houses Neston Community Nursery and a children's library, and offers adult learning courses and parent support.

Buskers Guide to Leadership

  • Wednesday, March 10, 2010
  • | Nursery World
Common Threads has revamped its website with more downloadable playwork and training materials.

Out-of-school sector attacks funding cuts

  • Tuesday, March 16, 2010
  • | Nursery World
The out-of-school sector has hit out at children's secretary Ed Balls after he detailed plans to cut 100m from after-school club funding, despite a Government target that all primary schools should offer extended services by September 2010 (News, 11 March).

Talks on free places

  • Tuesday, March 16, 2010
  • | Nursery World
Talks are continuing between Buckinghamshire County Council and the South Bucks Nursery Forum, whose members have threatened to stop offering funded nursery education places, saying the grant does not cover the costs of providing them (News, 11 February, 4 March).

Health visitor trainees face drastic cuts

  • Wednesday, February 14, 2007
  • | Nursery World
More than 40 per cent of health visitor training places have been cut in England this year, according to a healthcare trade union. Amicus/Community Practitioners' and Health Visitors' Association (CPHVA) surveyed 43 higher education institutions and over three quarters responded after they invoked the Freedom of Information Act. The union found that the number of health visitors trained in 2006-07 was 329, dropping from 554 in 2005-06, despite about 800 applications for places. There was also a 10 per cent fall in school nurses training and a 51 per cent drop in training places for district nurses.

Weather girls and boys

  • Monday, January 26, 2015
  • | Nursery World
At Roseacre Playgroup in Shepperton, children have been learning about the weather.

On the menu

  • Wednesday, February 14, 2007
  • | Nursery World
Check how safely food and drink are handled and how the misuse of substances is dealt with in your setting using this list by Laura Henry Food and drink policy Links to Every Child Matters

Additives: Added problems

  • Tuesday, November 27, 2001
  • | Nursery World
The processed foods that are being marketed for children are often only made possible by the addition of substances that disguise their lack of nutritional value. Mary Whiting investigates

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