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Treasure hunt

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
This fun activity will encourage the use of memory and observational skills. Resources

In brief...The Early Years National

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
The Early Years NationalTraining Organisation is to hold a series of regional conferences in England over the winter for Early Years Development and Childcare Partnerships, Learning and Skills Councils, and their partners in the planning and delivery of training. The meetings will be a chance to share ideas about the latest developments in training, qualifications and workforce planning. They are at Kensington Town Hall, London, on 28 November; Centre for Life, Newcastle, on 6 December; Holiday Inn, North Bristol, on 19 February 2002; and the Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, also in February. For details and a booking form contact Angela Guinn at the NTO on 01727 738300/1 or fax 01727 738304.

In brief...Registered childminders from

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
Registered childminders from across England and Wales are meeting in Blackpool on 17 and 18 November for the National Childminding Association's annual conference and AGM. Among the speakers will be Maggie Smith, director of Ofsted's Early Years Directorate, who will talk about the transfer of the inspection of childminders from local authorities. Motions for debate include whether to lobby the Welsh Assembly for start-up grants and bridging grants for all registered childminders, and lobby the Government to change the way the childcare tax credit element of Working Families Tax Credit is paid.

Rural childcare wins grants for provision

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
Areas of rural isolation are set to benefit in the latest round of lottery funding for childcare places. The grants from the New Opportunities Fund (NOF), the National Lottery distributor, were announced last week. One beneficiary is the Highland branch of the Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA), which will receive 129,446 to create out-of-school provision for children throughout the Highland and Western Isles. Childminders will receive start-up funding and support to provide places in areas where there are not enough children to sustain out-of-school clubs.

Come out to play

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
Thousands of new playworkers are needed to staff the boom in out-of-school clubs, but they will have to be the right people, says Anne Wiltsher What is the difference between a playworker and a childcarer? asked one of the speakers at a conference last month on building an out-of-school workforce. 'Even lower wages,' a cynic might be tempted to answer.

Waiting in for the inspector

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
By Trevor Tasker, co-owner and co-manager of Small World Kindergarten in Ipswich Under the new Ofsted early years inspection regime, the routine annual inspections of day nurseries in England will be unannounced. But how many other settings are aware of this, and the potential implications?

In brief...A primary school teacher

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
A primary school teacher who lost his job after smacking his eight-year-old daughter in public was given the chance to resume his career last week. The 50-year-old man, who cannot be named, was found guilty of assault in 1999 and suspended on full pay until the General Teaching Council of Scotland ruled he was unfit to be a teacher last year. He was told by appeal court judges who quashed the decision against him that his General Teaching Council of Scotland disciplinary hearing had been fundamentally flawed.

Technical hitches mar Ofsted debut

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
The first months of existence of Ofsted's Early Years Directorate have been plagued by technical hitches with its telephone and computer systems. Some callers to Ofsted's helpline number have been frustrated by problems with the mechanism for re-routing calls to the correct regional office. Meanwhile, Ofsted's childcare inspectors, who are now working from home using laptop computers, have also experienced difficulties with the technology.

Courses and conferences

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
14 to 16 November Playing to learn? The educational role of children's museums

Editor's view

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
With the Foundation Stage now firmly established for children aged three to five, attention is turning to the under-threes, increasing numbers of whom are in daycare settings. The lack of guidance for practitioners looking after the youngest age groups is the reason that Nursery World has run its 'Working with under-threes' series for the past few years, supplemented by our 'Play and learning for the under-threes' book. Now the Department for Education and Skills has seconded leading academic Lesley Abbott to run a project developing a framework for effective practice with under-threes (see News, page 6). She is very keen to hear our readers' views on what should be included in the framework, so make sure you take the time to respond and contribute to this vital piece of work.

Children at the new workplace nursery for staff of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
(Photograph) - Children at the new workplace nursery for staff of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in central London were unfazed by the presence of visiting dignitaries who came along to the nursery's grand opening last week. It is only the second such facility in Whitehall, home to the Government's civil servants. Photo Neil Turner

Give your views on under-threes

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
Aleading early years academic is seeking Nursery World readers' views on care for the under-threes to contribute to a Government project developing a framework for effective practice with very young children. Lesley Abbott, professor of early childhood education at Manchester Metropolitan University, has been seconded to the Department for Education and Skills to direct the project, which began in September and concludes next August. The team, based at the university's Institute of Education, is canvassing practitioners' views using a range of methods, including focus groups, telephone interviews and a questionnaire.

Marrow ratatouille

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
Ingredients 1 onion 2 cloves garlic 4 tblsp olive oil 2 green peppers 2 baby marrows 1 aubergine 2 tblsp tomato puree 1 tin plum tomatoes salt and pepper nutmeg, marjoram or oregano 1 tblsp fresh parsley 1 pinch fresh/dried basil (to serve) additional cheese and freshly baked bread Children's age For all ages

Project guide

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
This three-part project covers all six areas of learning, indicated by: Personal, social and emotional development

In brief...Tests at age seven are to be

  • Wednesday, November 7, 2001
  • | Nursery World
Tests at age seven are to be dropped for children in Wales, education minister Jane Davidson revealed last week. She told the Society of Education Officers' conference in Llandrindod Wells that she had received 'overwhelming support' for her proposal to discontinue the national tests at the end of Key Stage 1. Ms Davidson said, 'With such support from teachers, parents and representative bodies, I have decided the Key Stage 1 tests and tasks should be scrapped with immediate effect. This will reduce the administrative burden on primary school teachers and release more time for other classroom activities.' She said teachers could now plan activities for the rest of the year 'knowing that the tests and tasks will not be mandatory'.

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