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Stage Directions

  • Wednesday, December 5, 2001
  • | Nursery World
Use these guidelines to ensure that you are making the most of your early years drama sessions If you are now feeling confident enough to venture into providing drama, then take the following strategies into account when planning your sessions:

MMR review argues against single jabs

  • Wednesday, December 5, 2001
  • | Nursery World
A review of all the scientific research to date on the triple measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine shows that there is no case for introducing the vaccines in single doses, according to the authors. Professor David Elliman, of St George's Hospital, London, and Dr Helen Bedford, of the Institute of Child Health, published their review in the British Medical Journal's specialist publication Archives of Disease in Childhood in September and concluded that worries over the controversial MMR are unjustified.

All washed out

  • Wednesday, January 4, 2006
  • | Nursery World
A common developmental hazard can be avoided by changing a child's diet, says Jackie Cosh British children have been found to be among the most iron-deficient in Europe. A ten-year study in Bradford noting children's iron levels at routine developmental checks found that up to one-third of babies aged seven months were anaemic. Another study found that more than half of inner-city pre-school children were anaemic, almost as high a rate as in some developing countries.

In brief...Every baby in Wales is to be

  • Wednesday, November 28, 2001
  • | Nursery World
Every baby in Wales is to be given a book by their health visitor in their first few months of life, following the release of 400,000 in extra funding for the Bookstart project. Jane Davidson, minister for education and lifelong learning, revealed the plan at Cardiff Central Library last week as she met parents and babies participating in the programme. The money comes from the National Basic Skills Strategy for Wales which is administered by the Basic Skills Agency, and whose director Alan Wells said, 'This is the kind of innovative project that can really make a difference to improving the basic skills of the people of Wales long-term.'

Business Development - Proper placement

  • Monday, July 13, 2015
  • | Nursery World
Modern qualifications allocate hundreds of hours to placements, but how useful are they to managers? Jackie Musgrave and Nicola Stobbs, authors of a book looking at early years placements, explain.

Improve score on playing fields Government told

  • Wednesday, July 4, 2001
  • | Nursery World
The Government has been challenged to improve on its record on the sale of the UK's school playing fields and children's play areas in its second term of office. The challenge was made last week by the independent charity the National Playing Fields Association (NPFA). It said that statistics published at the end of Labour's first term in office showed that out of 164 applications to dispose of school playing fields, just five were turned down by former education secretary David Blunkett, then responsible for playing fields, a role now taken by Baroness Ashton.

Term-time places tempt working parents

  • Wednesday, June 1, 2005
  • | Nursery World
A private day nursery in Sheffield has embarked on what could be a growing trend in provision with the introduction of term-time-only places. Sunflower Children's Centre in Gleadless is offering the term-time-only service for parents looking for more flexible childcare. So far, a quarter of the nursery's 64 places have been taken on a term-time basis.

Another country

  • Wednesday, July 4, 2001
  • | Nursery World
Early years workers have an important role to play in the lives of refugee children from traumatised families.Wendy Wallace reports. Little Ayak was at home with her mother in southern Sudan when government soldiers came to take away her father, who was a teacher, accusing him of involvement with the rebel army. Her mother and the children fled for their lives. They went on foot, walking by night and eating wild foods on the way, to a neighbouring country. There, relatives helped them get a flight to England, where they applied for asylum. Now Ayak, aged five, lives with her mother and three brothers and sisters in the London borough of Haringey. Separated from their wider family, grieving for their missing father, the family lives on little money in a tiny rented flat while waiting to hear their fate from the Home Office.

Childcarers line up for Sure Start celebration

  • Wednesday, June 1, 2005
  • | Nursery World
The fourth National Sure Start Month kicks off this week on 2 June. This year's theme is 'Your Children, Your Choice' and it is being co-ordinated by the Pre-school Learning Alliance (PLA). Celebrations will begin with an official launch party at London Zoo for families and early years and childcare workers. Thousands of local events will then take place across England. Last year more than 700,000 parents took part in over 5,000 events.

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