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What's on the menu?

In partnership with apetito: Using apetito is all about taking the stress out of nursery mealtimes. Find out how its varied and nutritious meal plans transformed the quality of food for a nursery in Hertfordshire.

Health & Nutrition - Going vegan

  • Tuesday, October 26, 2021
  • | Nursery World
With veganism increasing in popularity, what must settings know about providing a healthy plant-based diet, asks Meredith Jones Russell

Cookery corner - Chilli sin carne

  • Tuesday, October 26, 2021
  • | Nursery World
At Jigsaw Day Nurseries, this popular dish provides the opportunity to talk about vegetables, growing produce and the benefits of healthy food. The nutritional value of lentils and beans is also a great talking point as children begin to identify their different tastes.

Choice on a plate

In partnership with apetito: One of apetito’s satisfied customers describes what the service provides and how it has transformed the quality, variety and appeal of its meals for children.

Cookery corner: Russian Pelmeni (stuffed pasta)

  • Tuesday, September 28, 2021
  • | Nursery World
These tasty dumplings, known as the ‘heart of Russian cooking’, are a little bit like ravioli and can be enjoyed with meat, fish or vegetable fillings, or even fruit. Younger children can shape the stuffing and help cut out the dough, while older children can help shape the parcels too.

Cookery corner - Fish cakes

  • Wednesday, September 1, 2021
  • | Nursery World
Children can get involved with mixing, shaping and coating these fish patties before an adult cooks them ready to eat.

Health & Nutrition - Eat your greens

  • Tuesday, August 3, 2021
  • | Nursery World
Children are naturally averse to eating unfamiliar vegetables, but there are tactics that families and practitioners can use to encourage them. Meredith Jones Russell reports

Cookery corner - homemade pizza

  • Tuesday, June 29, 2021
  • | Nursery World
This is a great meal for young children to help with. You can prepare all the ingredients and have them in bowls on the table for children to add their own toppings

Health & Nutrition - Field to fork

  • Tuesday, June 1, 2021
  • | Nursery World
A food ethos which encourages quality, independence and an understanding of the origins of what we eat bagged one setting first prize at the Nursery World Awards earlier this year. Meredith Jones Russell reports

New early years resources for Healthy Eating Week

  • Thursday, May 27, 2021
  • | Nursery World
Nurseries and schools across the UK are invited to take part in the British Nutrition Foundations's Health Eating Week from 14 to 18 June, with the launch of a free practitioner pack full of posters, advice, daily activities and videos.

Health & Nutrition - Masterchefs

  • Tuesday, May 4, 2021
  • | Nursery World
London Early Years Foundation scooped the gong for Health and Well-Being at the Nursery World Awards 2020. Michelle Samuels, LEYF apprentice manager, talks about the LEYF Early Years Chef Academy and associated qualification which clinched it the top spot

Health & Nutrition - Clear cut

  • Tuesday, March 30, 2021
  • | Nursery World
One small nursery group explains how it successfully switched to a 100 per cent plant-based menu. By Meredith Jones Russell

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