Resistance proves futile for nursery

Annette Rawstrone
Wednesday, September 11, 2002

(Photograph) - * A 'festival of resistance' led by nursery children's parents was not enough to stop St John's Nursery in the London borough of Hackney being closed last week, writes Annette Rawstrone. Parents and children had occupied the 45-place nursery for four days.

(Photograph) - * A 'festival of resistance' led by nursery children's parents was not enough to stop St John's Nursery in the London borough of Hackney being closed last week, writes Annette Rawstrone.

Parents and children had occupied the 45-place nursery for four days.

Protesting parent Charlie Kimber said, 'The occupation was very successful.

During the four days that it lasted, more than 100 people came to give their support.' He said that legal action from the Learning Trust, which took over the running of education in Hackney last month, had brought the protest to an end. 'Parents did gain some concessions, though, in terms of being offered alternative nursery places to the ones they were originally assigned. They are now nearer to home or work,' said Mr Kimber. 'Now we are all sad and angry that the nursery is closed, but despite that, we are proud of the stand we took.'

The Hackney parents are also concerned that the council may sell off land housing the 40-place Rainbow Community Nursery, which has occupied the site for 19 years. The nursery backs on to a children's play area and it is rumoured that Hackney council wants to sell the land to housing developers.

Staff and parents are to meet with councillors on 17 September to discuss the threat to the nursery.

Photo by Joel Chant

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