
Mary Whiting
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Cheese Nutritional value


Nutritional value

Cheese is an important source of calcium in a child's diet, and also contains protein, vitamin A, some B vitamins, potassium, copper and zinc.

Parmesan, Gruyre and cheddar have by far the most calcium and protein; cottage cheese and cream cheese have the least. However, hard cheese is high in saturated fat and salt, so don't over-rely on it. Edam, mozzarella and Brie also offer good calcium and protein but have slightly less fat. Processed cheese can be poor value and extremely salty. Don't give blue cheese and soft, 'mould-ripened' cheeses like Brie to babies under 12 months. Rennet-free cheeses are suitable for vegetarians.

Using cheese

'Mature' cheese has the best flavour, and although it costs more, a little goes a long way. There is little point in giving children bland, rubbery, factory cheese.

* Vary the cheese you serve: try mature Gouda, Cheshire, red Gloucester, Caerphilly, goat cheese and others. Look for any locally made cheese.

Perhaps have a named 'cheese of the day' or a 'cheese tasting' of two contrasting cheeses and discuss their differences.

* Serve cheese as finger food in cubes, sticks or thin squares; paper-thin curls are fun to eat and almost melt on the tongue.

* Serve pieces of tomato or cucumber, raisins or red grapes with cheese; try summer raspberries with curd cheese.

* On pizzas, mix Parmesan with plenty of strong cheddar for economy.

* Add a pinch of cayenne pepper or mustard to cheese sauce to enhance the flavour

* Combine grated cheese, mashed potato and a pinch of cayenne, shape into little 'potato cakes', bake and serve hot.

* Beat canned fish into curd cheese as a pate.

* Make an enticing-looking topping with grated cheese mixed with breadcrumbs; bubble under the grill or in the oven.

There are many more ideas in Mary Whiting's 'Dump the Junk!' (Moonscape, Pounds 7.99)

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