Early Education is looking for submissions on how providers will use the Early Years Pupil Premium.

How are practitioners planning to use it and what are the particular challenges with it? This is our topic of the week, with all submissions welcome. Just click on this link or log in to our foum here: http://forum.nurseryworld.co.uk/
The forum now includes a space is for baby room practitioners, The Baby Room Network, to exchange information and ideas. It can be used anonymously, and was created in response to findings from the Baby Room Project which found there were a lack of a spaces for these professionals to connect with each other for advice, support and professional development.
- You can sign up to receive an email notification every time someone comments on your thread. This checkbox comes up when you start a new discussion. To sign up for other discussions, you can also click on ‘email subscriptions’ which appears when you click on your username.