

Michael Pettavel: 'Leadership is about inspiration and positivity'

The Government’s vision for the early years seems vague and is lacking the inspiration that Labour...

Alex Ford, CEO, CT Skills: 'Scrap Level 7 funding to protect childcare apprenticeships'

Early Years Educator Level 3 is the most popular apprenticeship standard in the UK, but funding for...

James Hempsall: 'It's time to take stock of your business model'

The Childcare Works HUB provides a range of free resources designed to help providers refine and...

Jane Harris: The IFS report on SEND is a 'wake-up call', act now or the system will collapse!

The chief executive of Speech and Language UK, Jane Harris, highlights findings from a recent report...

Michael Pettavel

Michael Pettavel is a successfully retired nursery school head teacher, Children’s Centre leader and occasional consultant.



Michael Pettavel: 'Leadership is about inspiration and positivity'

The Government’s vision for the early years seems vague and is lacking the inspiration that Labour...

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