
New Level 3 award in baby care aims to 'close the gap' in practitioners' skills

A new qualification designed to address the growing need for high-quality baby care across the UK has been launched by NCFE.
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The Level 3 award in Working with Babies and Young Children under 2 Years has been developed to ‘close the gap’ in specialist training, equipping practitioners with the skills needed to meet the unique needs of young children.

NCFE says that despite the first two years of a child’s life being critical for their brain development, emotional wellbeing and physical health, many early years practitioners currently lack access to the specialist training required to deliver this ‘essential’ level of care. 

The qualification, which has been developed at a time of expansion of the funded entitlement for children from the nine months old, is designed to reflect the ‘realities of working with babies’.

It has been developed in collaboration with industry experts, including staff at South Devon College and the Bristol Early Years Teaching Hub. 

Katrina Perkins of South Devon College commented, ‘This new qualification addresses the evolving needs of early years education, ensuring Ofsted compliance while supporting recent Government funding changes for babies in early years settings. 

‘By partnering with the local authority, we’ll align the course with regional childcare priorities, meeting both local and national standards. Ongoing consultations will ensure the curriculum adapts as regulations and funding change. 

‘This qualification will help create a skilled workforce ready to deliver exceptional care for babies under two.’

  • NCFE's Janet King explains more about the qualification here


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