
Budget 2023: Steeper family vow to overturn the relaxation of ratios

The parents of Oliver Steeper, who tragically died after choking on food at nursery in 2021, have vowed to overturn the Government’s decision to allow nurseries to relax childcare ratios for two-year-olds.
Oliver Steeper tragically died in 2001 after choking at nursery, PHOTO: @TOSFOUNDATIONUK
Oliver Steeper tragically died in 2001 after choking at nursery, PHOTO: @TOSFOUNDATIONUK

Yesterday, the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced that childcare settings will be able to operate at adult: child ratios of 1:5, rather than the current 1:4, putting England in line with Scotland.

Zoe and Lewis Steeper who have campaigned against the proposal since it was first outlined in a Government consultation into childcare reform, told Nursery World they are ‘absolutely dismayed by the decision to relax ratios'.

They explained, ‘For the past two years we have campaigned tirelessly through the pain and grief of losing Oliver, our son within a nursery. To now have this ratio relaxation banded around by Jeremy Hunt as if it’s a great achievement by the Government is nothing but an insult to us, to every EYFS staff member across the country and to parents whose children attend childcare settings.

‘Ratio relaxation is disastrous for the sector, it places children at risk at the most vital time of their lives when they need eyes on them, especially during feeding, playtime, and development. I feel that the Government has shown its total unwillingness to listen to the sector, and has simply gone against its own evidence, its own consultation, and our petition last year.

‘We will continue to fight this and prevent this current Government being reckless with children’s lives whilst playing politics.’

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