
Opinion: In my view - Bring the dads on board

Figures from the Office of National Statistics show that one in ten children and young people suffer from a serious mental health disorder.

Parent support such as the Parent Information Service run by the mental health charity YoungMinds provides a lifeline for those needing to discuss their concerns about their child's mental health. However, such services have traditionally been accessed by mothers, and feel less approachable to fathers.

Fathers are equally important as mothers when it comes to supporting the emotional and behavioural needs of children. Children and young people who have both their parents engaged in their development from birth benefit from greater emotional resilience and adjustment to life experiences. Yet research shows that mothers are more than nine times more likely than fathers to seek support for young people who are having difficulties. This strong imbalance suggests that fathers should take a more active role, something YoungMinds' latest campaign, 'Those YoungMinds', seeks to address.

Less than 7 per cent of the callers to our Parents' Information Service are fathers, who often feel less confident discussing the emotional wellbeing of young people. Our campaign aims to promote greater self-awareness of the issues that fathers face. We want fathers to get the message that it's OK for them to be concerned about their children, and to take action. They don't have to leave it to mothers.

'Those YoungMinds' uses a comedy show based on the experiences of more than 100 fathers to highlight the common indicators of mental health difficulties, and seeks to challenge the obstacles to fathers seeking support for them. Comedian John Ryan, who delivers the show, says, 'If you can make them laugh, you can make them listen. It's about breaking down barriers.'

- The London premiere of 'Those YoungMinds' is at the Soho Theatre on 10 and 17 June. To book tickets please contact the theatre on 0870 429 6883, or for further information go to www.youngminds.org.uk/parents.

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