
Mental health services failing children, children's commissioner warns

Anne Longfield, the children’s commissioner for England, has warned that a mental health service that meets the needs of all children who require treatment is still a decade away.
Anne Longfield, children's commissioner for England
Anne Longfield, children's commissioner for England

The children's commissioner's children’s mental health report, published today, finds that while the NHS has made ‘tangible’ progress in the provision of mental health services for children, the current system is still ‘far away’ from adequately meeting the needs of the estimated 12.8 per cent of children in England with mental health problems. It does not meet the needs of the children who fall just below the threshold for clinical diagnosis.

Ms Longfield says she welcomes the ‘significant progress’ made to CYPMHS (Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services) but warns that a ‘chasm’ remains between the current levels of NHS services and what children need.

Key findings of the report include:

  • Children account for 20 per cent of the population, but only 10 per cent of total mental health spending. On average, the NHS spends £225 for every adult and £92 for every child.
  • There is an ‘enormous’ postcode lottery facing children and families with some areas spending ten time more than others on children’s mental health.
  • On average children wait just under 8 weeks to enter treatment.
  • Treatment varies hugely across the country.

The Children’s Commissioner has sent formal statutory notices to a number of areas, which national data indicates are lagging behind other areas of the country in terms of their commitment and resources.

The report comes after MPs tabled an Early Day Motion calling for the Government to make children's needs a focus of the reformed mental health legislation.


The children's commissioner said, ‘It is still not clear whether national and local government and the NHS is facing up to the scale of problems in children’s mental health services and the devastating impact this has on children. The Government doesn’t have a plan for a comprehensive service in every area and there is still no commitment to a counsellor in every school, which would make a huge difference.

‘After years of Government announcements on children’s mental health, it remains the poor relation of NHS spending, receiving a fraction of the money invested in adults. Most areas are still spending less than 1 per cent of their budget on children’s mental health services, and the postcode lottery of care means some areas are years ahead of others in improving services.

‘It is important to recognise and welcome the real progress that is being made. More children are receiving the help they need and even more will in the future. But the Government urgently needs to commit in the next Spending Review to providing help for 100 per cent of children. If not, thousands of children with mental health problems will continue to suffer and become adults without getting the help they need.’

Commenting on the report, Dr Mary Bousted, joint general secretary of the National Education Union, said, ‘These findings are further evidence of the chronic underfunding of children’s mental health services and the lack of available support for so many children and young people who need it. 

‘There is a clear need to end the postcode lottery of provision and ensure there is a comprehensive and joined-up approach to mental health support in every area. Schools have a role to play and must be part of the strategy to address the current lack of both specialist and low-level mental health services for children and young people.’

Mental Health Minister Nadine Dorries said, 'As the children’s commissioner highlights, major improvements to children and young people’s mental health care are already well underway, driving forward progress so every child can access the high-quality care they need and deserve.

'Spending on children’s mental health is growing faster than spending overall in the NHS, backed by an extra £2.3 billion investment in mental health per year.

'We’re rolling out dedicated mental health support teams in schools and trailing four-week waiting times in the NHS, so they have quicker access to an increased range of support and treatment when they need it.'