
Family and parenting charities to merge

Charities Parenting UK and Family Lives are merging to create an organisation for parents, families and those that work with them.

As of 15 November, the two charities will come together to provide support for families and practitioners, drawing on their combined expertise and more than 30 years' experience.

Parenting UK, a national membership body for those that work with parents, and Family lives, a charity that helps parents deal with the changes that are a constant part of family life, share a similar vision and have worked closely together for a number of years.








The new organisation will allow for the continuation of the charities’ current work and the development of new opportunities to benefit families and those that support them.

Pamela Park, chief executive of Parenting UK, said, ‘We are very pleased to be joining with such a strong charity with the same aim of supporting families and parenting. This will ensure a continued focus on developing and enhancing the parenting workforce and ensure we maintain a voice for the sector in the long-term, so that families continue to receive the high-quality and professional support they need and want.’

Jeremy Todd, chief executive of Family Lives, said, ‘I am delighted with the opportunity to merge with such a well-respected parenting charity. Working together will allow a greater provision of services to members, and the families we serve, alongside providing a stronger voice to influence policy makers and Government. This merger is part of a broader strategy to enhance and extend services to all members of the family and those who care and work on their behalf.’