
Level 3 apprenticeship standard

The newly-appointed Early Years Trailblazer group has launched a three-week consultation on the development of the Level 3 apprenticeship standard.

The group, led by Busy Bees, the largest nursery group in the UK, has drawn up a new draft standard, containing the Early Years Educator (EYE) qualification.

It follows publication of the previous draft standard in November 2014 by the former Trailblazer group, which was sacked by the Department for Education (DfE) in February because of ‘very slow progress’. The accompanying assessment at Level 3 submitted by the group was never published.

As well as Busy Bees and Birmingham City University, the Trailblazers group is formed of representatives from:

  • Darcy Bunnie Nursery;
  • Little Cupcakes;
  • Hollies Day Nursery;
  • Blossom Day Nursery
  • Cheeky Monkeys Day Nursery;
  • The Learning Tree
  • Shapes Day Nursery
  • Holmes Park Day Nursery, and;
  • First Quest Day Nursery

 The consultation closes on 17 May. To take part in the consultation click here


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