
Call for evidence on SEND funding

The government is consulting on the funding arrangements for children with SEND and those who need alternative provision.

The government says it is aware of concerns about the funding allocated for young people with SEND in England, and is ‘looking carefully at how much overall funding will be needed in future years’.

Consultation documents say this consultation is not about how much money is needed but how funding is distributed, including how well schools can make provision for children with SEND and other factors in the current funding system which may be contributing to an escalation of costs.

The government has also asked the Council for Disabled Children to organise a small number of workshops across the country so it can discuss the themes in this call for evidence in greater detail. If you would like to attend one of these events, please register your interest at senfinancialevents@ncb.org.uk, giving your name, role, organisation and email address. They will send you information about the events as soon as it is available.

  • Consultation documents are available here
  • Consultation closes 31st July 2019

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