In this series, Julie Mountain uses seasonal plants as a springboard for a host of activity ideas.
How can continuous provision be enhanced with specific additions to encourage children to deepen their understanding. By Amy Jackson, EYFS specialist at Ormiston Herman Academy, Gorleston
In a 12-part series, Professor Jan White explores each of the keys to unlocking children's learning outdoors
Penny Tassoni explains how settings can ensure that their provision around the nursery meets the requirements of Ofsted's inspection framework.
Ideas and resources for creating environments to inspire play, learning and development
A series by Andy McCormack giving expert advice on selecting and using all sorts of picturebooks for your early years setting
Kindergartens in Japan have some innovative approaches to outdoor provision, especially with risk-taking and resilience. Julie Mountain shares the findings from her visits.
Creative approaches to outdoor play when it's cold, wet and windy, by Julie Mountain.
This series aims to help practitioners be more responsive to children's interests and reflect on how thoughtful resourcing can truly broaden and progress their learning. It sets out what to include...
Elinor Goldschmied developed treasure baskets for babies who can sit up and the heuristic play approach for toddlers. Her ideas are still helping to provide a rich and nurturing environment for bab...
Ideas, support and information for best practice in outdoor provision and play in the Early Years Foundation Stage. With a wealth of articles on all aspects of the outdoors, including forest school...
What is 'continuous provision', why is it so important and how does it fit into Early Years Foundation Stage practice? A guide to what practitioners need to be providing on a daily basis in every a...
What is meant by continuous provision, and what does it require of early years practitioners? Anne O'Connor explains the key elements in this four-part series.
A four-part series by Julie Mountain on the London Borough of Newham project supporting movement in two- and three-year-olds.
Penny Tassoni shows how to provide a range of experiences to support young children’s learning and development.
Alison Clark takes four key themes of outdoors, mealtimes, stories and materials and looks at how to make them meaningful and unhurried
In this series, outdoors guru Julie Mountain visits past Nursery World award winners to find out what goes into creating quality wild spaces
Penny Tassoni provides a six-part series for childminders, outlining practical activities to support young children's learning and wellbeing.
What are the best ways that parents can support their children's care and learning as they move through different developmental stages? Annette Rawstrone draws on the latest research and informati...
Sensory experiences are vital to healthy brain development. Anne O'Connor and Dr Kath Dickinson look at common difficulties and show how to support sensory development.
Best practice under the new Special Education Needs and Disability Code of Practice is explained by Dr Kay Mathieson.
Dr Kay Mathieson looks at the new Integrated Review and its implications for early years practitioners.
Nursery World’s special report on all aspects of young children’s health, from physical fitness to emotional well-being, immunisation and more.
Expert advice on providing healthy food in early years settings and educating young children about eating well.
Your guide to being a fully inclusive setting. A four-part series based on the themes and principles of the EYFS.
What influences gender differences in the early years, and how can we ensure that gender stereotyping does not limit opportunities for boys or girls?
A guide to all aspects of inclusive practice from early years consultant Mary Dickins.
An eight-part guide for early years practitioners on successfully implementing anti-bias practice, by Anne O'Connor.
A four-part series in which Marion Dowling explores aspects of children's personal development.
Observation and assessment of young children is the starting point for supporting their individual needs. Anne O'Connor shows how.
Dr Raj Thakkar offers expert medical advice for nursery practitioners on a range of common childhood illnesses.
Case studies of individual children with different needs and the inclusive practice of the early years settings that care for them.
Prepare for the introduction of the revised Early Years Foundation Stage with our series on the seven Areas of Learning, which highlights changes and explores key aspects of practice
A twice-termly focus on different aspects of early years best practice in schools.
A five-part series on the importance of non-verbal communication with babies, young children, colleagues and parents, by Charlotte Goddard
Dr Julian Grenier explains the revised Development Matters and looks at the seven key themes of effective practice
Nursery World's series on the early years pioneers that have shaped current practice, including Piaget, Froebel and Margaret McMillan - an essential resource for students and practitioners alike.
Penny Tassoni and Anne-Marie Tassoni answer questions about children's speech and language development at different ages and stages
Nursery World’s special report on school early years provision to inspire and support learning.
This 12-part series by Penny Tassoni, renowned early years expert, author and trainer, offers invaluable advice on all aspects of learning, development and behaviour of two-year-old children.
Expert advice on the new Prime Areas of the revised Early Years Foundation Stage - Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, and Communication and Language. Focus on three t...
Leading experts on the new Specific Areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage - Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, and Expressive Arts and Design - and how to achieve best practice.
In a three-part series, Jan Dubiel considers the meaning of the characteristics of effective teaching and learning - Playing and Exploring, Active Learning and Creativity and Critical Thinking - hi...
A four-part series by Julie Fisher, with advice for practitioners on better understanding their role in supporting early learning and identifying what helps interaction with young children.
The phrase 'school readiness' is taking a high profile in Government reports and policy, but what does it mean, and how should early years practitioners respond? David Whitebread and Sue Bingham lo...
Ann Langston examines the proposed changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage, giving an overview of progress so far and focusing on observation, assessment and planning.
Advice, information and ideas for supporting boys to become confident and competent learners.
Freedom of movement is essential for children's developing minds and emotions as well as their bodies. Anne O'Connor and Anna Daly give expert advice on physical development.
A complete guide to supporting young children and their families accessing early learning under the funded places programme.
Music is important in promoting young children’s cognitive development, well-being and enjoyment. Linda Pound’s series examines how music can support early learning across all areas of the curriculum.
A six-part series looking at Froebel’s continuing importance as an early years educator and thinker, which makes links between Froebel’s approach and the EYFS, and demonstrates Froebel in action at...
Computational skills need to be reflected in curricula and practice, as Marc Faulder shows in this series about teaching computational thinking in the early years.
A three-part guide to supporting children to make a successful transition from the Early Years Foundation Stage to Key Stage 1, by Julie Fisher.
How babies learn, both in the womb and after they are born, by one of the UK's most eminent experts in infant cognitive development, Professor Annette Karmiloff-Smith.
Practitioners from Pen Green Nursery, Corby, share their observations of different children and the schemas that they are exploring.
A guide to understanding how young children think and how best to support their developing skills, by Marion Dowling.
An eight-part guide to one of the most challenging aspects of the EYFS framework, by renowned early years consultant Helen Bromley. The pack includes further reading suggestions and discussion poin...
A 10-part guide to child development in the early years, covering language, communication, awareness, behaviour, memory, relationships, the brain and physical and emotional development.
A six-part series by Helen Moylett on how to promote communication skills in babies and young children, with an overview of the essentials of good early years practice and a focus on particular the...
Best practice articles on supporting young children who speak more than one language.
A three-part series by Marion Dowling explains why PSED is the top priority for supporting children to grow and learn.
A six-part series from the team at the University of Liverpool and ESRC International Centre for Language and Communicative Development (LuCiD).
A 12-part guide to meeting the emotional and learning needs of the unique child, by Julia Manning-Morton.
A six-part guide by Judith Dancer, exploring the different elements of EYFS maths, with practical ideas for babies, toddlers and young children.
A series on different early intervention projects to help parents support their children’s learning and behaviour.
Julia Manning-Morton's series on the development and behaviour of two-year-olds.
Nursery World's popular series of guides for parents, to everything from tantrums to sleep to tooth brushing.
A guide to the concept and practice of the now mandatory key person in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
An understanding of attachment is central to delivering the Positive relationships strand of the Early Years Foundation Stage. A five-part series by early years consultant Anne O'Connor.
A series on how to support children who cannot stay in control - the ultimate challenge for practitioners. By Pat Gordon-Smith.
Nursery World articles on different aspects of maintaining and developing relationships with the most important people in a child’s life.
A four-part series on the adult role in supporting early learning, by early years consultant, trainer and author Julie Fisher
Science and technology can work just as well outdoors as in – if not better. Series by Julie Mountain and Felicity Robinson.
An eight-part series by Georgina Durrant on practical ways to support the development of essential skills in children from birth to five, including those with SEND
Ideas for activities and experiences across the alphabet from the Rachel Keeling Nursery School team
In this series on introducing UNESCO's Sustainable Development Goals to young children, Dr Diane Boyd explains the context of each and offers ideas for related activities
Topical activities and tasks to help get your children outside all year round, from Julie Mountain
Advice and ideas on essential physical skills and how to support them in children from birth to three, from physical development expert Dr Lala Manners
Penny Tassoni offers ideas for sharing different rhymes with children, plus activities to extend their learning.
Penny Tassoni looks at ideas for sharing a range of fiction and non-fiction titles, from rhyming books for babies to picture books that adults and children can explore together.
An 11-part series on helping children to begin exploring mathematical ideas, by Sheila Ebbutt and Carole Skinner.
Force, friction, electricity, sound, and light are explored by Linda Thornton and Pat Brunton.
A guide to best practice in organising group visits with early years children.
Best practice in helping young children to develop their creativity.
A four-part series on introducing music into the everyday practice of early years settings, by MERYC UK.
This six part series comes complete with free downloads to a load of Boogie Mites' resources, and covers storytelling, neuroscience, joy, and outdoors among other things. By Sue Newman (with a word...
In this series, museums, galleries and other cultural institutions from around the country present a host of activities related to their collection and location - from magnets at the Discovery in N...