Nursery World contributor and Ofsted inspector Bernard Misrahi died on 10 January following an illness. He had worked in childcare for 18 years, first as a nursery worker in Islington in north London...
The ingredients that helped a child to make a confident move up to school are gratefully acknowledged by former early years teacher Phoebe Doyle.
Artist Rosie Potter describes how she helped childen to engage with the wider world when they created a giant fish out of recycled products.
Lyme disease is increasingly being diagnosed in countries including the UK – so what are the symptoms, and how can children avoid catching it? Dr Bernard Raxlen explains
Children in London learned how to make bricks and much more while creating a community wall, writes Rosie Potter
A unique scheme is preparing children for reception class and assessing their needs on home visits, writes Bernard Adams
An educational adventure along the Grand Union Canal in London saw children design, build and launch a narrow boat. By Rosie Potter
An exhibition in south London is showing off children’s photographs of their explorations of the world outside their nursery, explains resident artist Rosie Potter
The children at Greenfields Children’s Centre in London have been immersed in the fascinating world of whales, reports Rosie Potter
<P> Its 100 years since the first bear was named Teddy. <B> Bernard Tennant </B> looks at the evolution of the species that has become one of the worlds best-loved toys </P>