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Flexible friends

  • Wednesday, November 13, 2002
  • | Nursery World
One organisation says there's more to education for the disabled than choosing between mainstream or special schools. Catherine Gaunt looks at conductive education When the Audit Commission published its report on special educational needs in June this year, it called for a high-level Government review and a national debate to instigate reform. One radical proposal came from a well-known charitable organisation, the Foundation for Conductive Education, which runs services for children and adults who have motor disorders such as cerebral palsy, dyspraxia and multiple sclerosis.

Businesses shying away from vouchers

  • Wednesday, February 13, 2008
  • | Nursery World
Parents in Wales are often unable to access childcare vouchers because small businesses regard the system as too complex to administer, according to the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).

Parents and pupils at Newhills Primary School in Aberdeen

  • Wednesday, September 12, 2001
  • | Nursery World
(Photograph) - Parents and pupils at Newhills Primary School in Aberdeen have praised a dotty initiative by the city council to reduce child road accidents with trails of coloured shapes leading to the school gates. Four routes lead from peripheral streets to the entrance, for walking or dropping off children who travel by car. Photo: Paul Reid.

Nurseries to get new outdoor spaces

  • Wednesday, February 13, 2008
  • | Nursery World
Ten nurseries are to benefit from new outdoor play areas as part of an 800,000 education programme after proposals were approved by Aberdeenshire council last week.

Robert Goodwill out, Nadhim Zahawi in at DfE

  • Tuesday, January 9, 2018
  • | Nursery World
Nadhim Zahawi has been made a junior minister in the Department for Education, and is tipped to replace the outgoing children and families minister Robert Goodwill.

Grants on offer for voluntary organisations

  • Wednesday, September 18, 2002
  • | Nursery World
Voluntary organisations with projects based in England have been invited to bid for grants of up to 55,000 each to provide support to families. Beverley Hughes, minister for the family, said, 'Investing in families that are struggling, providing support for all families, and ensuring parents play a crucial role in raising and nurturing children are all priorities for the Government if we are to achieve a strong, stable society.'

The scrapping of Key Stage One tests in Wales

  • Wednesday, September 18, 2002
  • | Nursery World
The scrapping of Key Stage One tests in Wales last year has not affected children's achievement, results published last week suggest. More than 80 per cent of seven-year-olds achieved at least level 2 (the expected level) in all core subjects, reached by 88 per cent in mathematics and science, 87 per cent in Welsh and 83 per cent in English. Education minister Jane Davidson said, 'These excellent results show it was the correct decision for Wales.'

Firm resolve

  • Wednesday, January 24, 2001
  • | Nursery World
What did you promise to do in 2001? In the first of two features, Jan Hurst says that all it takes to get fit on a nanny's budget is common sense and self- awareness. Nearly everyone makes new year resolutions which, in their heart of hearts, they know they probably won't keep. The majority of those resolutions revolve around fitness and good health. There are reasons why 'get fit' resolutions fail - and there is a way to ensure that this time you will win through.

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