
Early years sector asked to unite in fight for fairer funding

Funding Policy & Politics
The childcare sector is being urged to join together in the fight for increased funding by taking part in a week of action.

The Action Week, organised by the Early Years Alliance, will start on 10 June. The aim of the week is to ensure childcare providers engage with every MP in England about the early years funding crisis in the lead up to the Comprehensive Spending Review later this year.

According to the Alliance, the Chancellor previously confirmed he was ready to listen to MPs who approached him with ideas for what Government’s spending priorities should be.

The week of action forms part of the Alliance’s Fairer Funding campaign which calls on Government to increase funding levels so they match the ‘true’ cost of delivering quality childcare and to commit to annually reviewing funding levels to ensure they keep pace with rising delivery costs.

There will be various activities taking place across the five days, with the week culminating in local events on Friday 15 June when providers will be encouraged to arrange to meet with their MPS or invite them to their setting to discuss the funding crisis in more detail.

Providers, practitioners and parents are encouraged to sign up to the campaign. Those who do will receive a campaign pack, as well as regular updates and advice on how to engage with local press, politicians and communities in the lead up to the week of action.

Follow the campaign’s activity on social media by using #FairFutureFunding and on the Alliance’s @FairFutureFund Twitter account.


Neil Leitch, chief executive of the Early Year Alliance, said, ‘Enough is enough: there’s a funding shortfall of over £615 million in the early years and, unless something changes, that figure is only going to get worse. I hear every week from providers who have closed or are on the brink of closing and yet, despite all the evidence, ministers have continued to deny there is a problem.

‘The Comprehensive Spending Review represents the best chance we’ve had so far to make the case to the decision makers in Westminster who hold the purse strings. We need to grasp it with both hands and ensure every politician in England knows about the early years funding crisis and has asked the Treasury to do something about it.

‘That is why I’m urging everyone in the sector, whether or not you’re a member of the Alliance, to get involved in the Action Week. Make the case for fairer funding to your local MP: invite them to your setting and offer to meet them. Do whatever you can to get your voice heard. The Alliance is there to support you with resources and advice - but this is down to you. Add your voice to the Action Week and let’s work together to ensure funding covers the true cost of providing quality childcare.’

  • Sign up to the campaign here