
Opinion: The Minister's view - Ready for a second year of shared ambitions

Children's minister Dawn Primarolo looks back to the start of the EYFS and credits practitioners for its successful implementation.

Just over a year ago my predecessor, Beverley Hughes, and the Secretary of State for Education, Ed Balls, launched the statutory introduction of the Early Years Foundation Stage. I know that for many of you it was a worrying time as there was much discussion about the impact this framework would have on your profession. A year on, I am delighted with how many of you are working and thriving with the EYFS.

Since joining the DCSF I have visited a range of early years settings and Sure Start Children's Centres and have been overwhelmed by the dedication of the profession in ensuring that every child has the opportunity to succeed. This shared ambition is really driving up standards from across the sector and shows the crucial contribution you are making to young children's lives.

The Early Years Foundation Stage is essential for building continuity, consistency and confidence across the early years and childcare family. The early learning goals and assessment methods have been widely reported and, in some cases, misreported. The furore surrounding the 'nappy curriculum' as we began the implementation meant that we were all operating in a difficult climate. This was a shame, as the EYFS was designed primarily to support practitioners and promote the development and well-being of the children in their care.

I know that not everyone has had a smooth ride with the early stages of the EYFS. I hope that the guidance, support and training from my department and other organisations is helping you in making it work for you and your setting. We wanted to have a flexible framework that embodies the principled approach and commitment to learning through play that reflected what the best practitioners have been doing for years. And from what I have seen and heard I think the majority of you would agree that we are beginning to achieve that.

However, I know a few of you still have concerns, and it is right that these concerns are raised. I want to reassure you that my department and I are listening and responding to your comments and that we are continually monitoring the implementation of the EYFS The review in 2010 will offer a good opportunity to further look at any remaining implementation issues. In the meantime, my priority over the coming months is to actively engage with sectors and stakeholders, and ensure that all settings and practitioners receive the right support and training to deliver the EYFS and build on and share best practice.

Equally, it is also important that we continue to dispel some of the inaccurate reports about EYFS. What happens in the first few years of a child's life has an impact on their learning and development for a long time, and we know that the gap between those from higher and lower income backgrounds opens up as early as 22 months. The bottom line is that the EYFS represents business as usual for the majority of settings, and provides useful guidance to those who do need to improve their practices with support, advice and guidance materials on implementing it effectively. Through the framework, we are working to unite the sector around a clear understanding of what high quality early years looks like, and what it can achieve for young children.

I am grateful to those of you who continue to promote the benefits and importance of the EYFS locally and nationally. Thank you again for your continued hard work - because of this we really are making great strides in raising standards and aspirations.

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