
Sessionals are stuck

I can't help but feel Judith Baxter (Letters, 16 November) hasn't quite grasped the implications of what the new code of practice will do for some of us. As she points out, having a separate room helps them operate a slightly different system to have funded children in one room and non-funded children in another. Is that not providing a two-tier system?
I can't help but feel Judith Baxter (Letters, 16 November) hasn't quite grasped the implications of what the new code of practice will do for some of us.

As she points out, having a separate room helps them operate a slightly different system to have funded children in one room and non-funded children in another. Is that not providing a two-tier system?

Ms Baxter is obviously managing full daycare provision, from purpose-built premises, open all year round. She is in fact charging a top-up fee if she is charging for all the extra hours she provides for the children.

So what happens to term-time sessional settings? We normally operate from shared accommodation and are not open during the school holidays. Our sessions will run for around three-and-a-half hours, morning and afternoon.

Where do we get the opportunity to charge for any extra time?

I don't think we term-time sessional providers have many options open.

Perhaps this is exactly what the Government wants - either full daycare or nursery units attached to a reception class in every school. Some choice for parents!

Candy Head, Tigglets Montessori Nursery, Crondall, Hampshire