
For your shelf

Some food for thought in your professional career Movement and Dance in Early Childhood (second edition) By Mollie Davies (Paul Chapman Publishing, 15.99, 020 7374 0645)
Some food for thought in your professional career

Movement and Dance in Early Childhood (second edition) By Mollie Davies (Paul Chapman Publishing, 15.99, 020 7374 0645)

In this 'second chance' edition of her book (first published seven years ago), Mollie Davies updates and extends the research and adds new chapters on dance for the very young and for Key Stages 1 and 2.

The book is about the multi-faceted role that movement plays in the lives of young children. In this respect, it is a valuable resource for all practitioners. Chapters 3 and 4 put a powerful case for the central role of movement in children's doing, thinking, feeling and well-being.

For the non-specialist in movement and dance, Chapter 1 provides a clear, helpful framework of the four categories of human movement. The many photos are inspirational, often illuminating what we might take for granted, and the entire text is sensibly related to the actions we can all observe children doing everyday, offering ideas and plans. So, enjoy it - but also, do all you can to ensure that movement and dance become equal partners with other activities in the teaching and learning environment.