
EYP Update - the latest news, views and case studies on early years professional status

 EYP Champion: Leah Burke
Leah Burke of Children's Place is passionate about her role and believes that EYPS is key to driving up standards of care and education for young children.

Local authority focus: Nottinghamshire
Nottinghamshire EYPs were awarded with specially designed badges and certificates at a recent celebration staged by the country council to raise the profile of EYPs.

EYP on target
More than 4,000 people have now achieved EYPS

Try a taste of the job
Three hundred places are being made available through six training providers to give degree students a taste of jobs in the sector.

Add EYP to the degree
Combining EYPS with an Early Childhood Studies degree is being addressed through pilot projects.

Views sought on EYP effects
CWDC is urging EYPs to respond to its online survey.

Pioneering new pathways to EYP status
Pilot programmes for new routes to achieving Early Years Professional Status are now well underway. While CWDC proposed two broad models for pilots, a number of different approaches have been approved.

Early Years Professionals in Cheshire spread their expertise
You don't have to be an Early Years Professional to benefit from EYPS. This is the lesson being learnt in Cheshire, where the skills and insights of workers with the status are being shared with colleagues across the whole county.

Early Years Professionals in Surrey keep up to speed with EYP standards
Early Years Professionals in Surrey are benefiting from a busy schedule of local authority-wide network meetings and CPD days.

Step by step to a degree
LOCAL AUTHORITY SPOTLIGHT How Northumberland council is inspiring a graduate-led workforce

Linking up for progress
EYP Networks Q & A - Tips and ideas for creating a great EYP network

Anita Birtles, pre-school manager, Poperinghe Pre-schoolGiving her best
CASE STUDY Anita Birtles, Poperinghe Pre-school, has successfully changed career from retail to become an EYPS qualified pre-school manager

Helping the whole team
STUDENT FOCUS Mel Flynn is undertaking the short pathway to EYPS at Kingston University

Angela Leeve, pre-school leader at Ready Steady Go! nursery in Bromley, LondonGrasp the Graduate Leader Fund
Continuing professional development is at the heart of Angela Leeve's work as a pre-school leader at Ready Steady Go! nursery in Bromley, London

CWDC Supports next steps forward
The next phase of workforce reform, as spelled out in the Government's recent refresh of the Ten-Year Childcare Strategy, is 'ambitious and achievable', according to Thom Crabbe, national programme manager for early years at Children's Workforce Development Council.

See the archive of previous EYP Updates

EYPS support from Edge Hill University
A series of case studies from the Early Years Professional team at Edge Hill University, Lancashire, giving advice on how to meet the 39 EYPS standards

EYP pathways

If you already have a full degree or equivalent qualification, depending on your experience, you will be eligible for:

- Four-month, part-time Validation Pathway
- Short Extended Professional (EPD) Pathway (six months, part-time)
- Full Training Pathway (12 months, full-time).

If you have an Early Years Foundation Degree (level 5) or an equivalent qualification, you will be eligible for:

- Long EPD Pathway (15 months).

More information from the Children's Workforce Development Council.