
Take Twos - The New Wave

Birth to Threes
With 40 per cent of the most disadvantaged twos now eligible for
funded places, James Hempsall reflects on the benefits and difficulties
for families in claiming their place

The funded two-year-olds programme is a massive equalities and economics agenda.

This is important to acknowledge as 260,000 children from low-income working families become eligible for the offer.

Even though many local authorities started funding families early, the 40 per cent criteria didn't become law until the first of September. Many low-income families can benefit from free childcare and early learning for the first time.

Often, these families are acutely aware of the value of such vital help. They tell me how much difference it makes to them and their children.

New families are eligible this month if their gross income before tax credits is no more than £16,190. They join families who are already entitled and are eligible for free school meals. In general, low-income families will have a difficult relationship with childcare and early learning. They will probably use it, yet may struggle to pay for it and find it, and they may need ultra-flexible provision or provision that does not change. They may also need childcare in the evenings and at the weekends to accommodate shift work.

Free early learning is a lifeline that gives real choices such as training, new employment and therefore economic well-being. The twos offer can be a help solving the logistical nightmare of making sense of a job that doesn't match home life, or pays little regard to the routine of the school day. It is childminders who come into their own here: this flexible and responsive service offers lessons to all providers.

Many low-income families already use childcare for their two-year-old.

Currently, they will be paying for much of this childcare with the help of tax credit support in some cases. Now, imagine you are one of those parents, and you could also receive a further 15 hours for free, or could replace - in whole or in part - your current arrangements through the free offer, which in time will join seamlessly to the threeand four-year-old offer. This can make part-time working and full-time parenting join up in ways that can transform family life.

James Hempsall is director of Hempsall's (@jhempsall, www.hempsalls.com).