
Labour to make Sure Start 'leaner and more hard-edged'

The Labour party wants to introduce a 'leaner and more hard-edged’ Sure Start focused on outcomes if it comes into power next year.

Steve McCabe, shadow minister for children and families, has revealed that the political party plans on reinstating Sure Start centres and networks, but wants to take a different approach.

Speaking at the Family and Childcare Trust conference yesterday in response to a delegate’s question, Mr McCabe, MP for Birmingham, Selly Oak, said, ‘We want to go back and look again at the importance of Sure Start and children’s centres as it will save us money in the long-run.

‘A mistake we made with Sure Start was that we didn’t embed it efficiently or focus enough on developmental goals. We made Sure Start all things to all people.’

The shadow minister went on to say that if they are successful in the General Election, they will guarantee that Sure Start centres focus on the developmental progress of children and ensure joined-up working with health professionals.

He added, ‘We would introduce a leaner and more hard-edged Sure Start.’