A one-week study visit to learn about and be inspired by the world-renowned educational approach of the pre-schools and infant-toddler centres of Reggio Emilia.

 This course will explore the key principles underpinning the Reggio approach to early childhood education. It will involve lectures, presentations, discussion groups, exhibitions, visits to preschools and infant-toddler centres.

Loris Malaguzzi International Centre, Reggio Emilia, Italy.

A one-week study visit to learn about and be inspired by the world renowned educational approach of the preschools and infant toddler centres of Reggio Emilia.

This course will explore the key principles underpinning the Reggio approach to early childhood education including:

  • History and background
  • Creativity and expressive languages of children
  • Listening to children
  • The environment as 'the third teacher'
  • Parents as partners
  • Democratic citizenship
  • Children as the subjects of rights
  • Children and educators as researchers
  • Observation, interpretation, documentation
  • Making learning visible


Nursery World Jobs

Nursery Practitioner

Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

Executive Director

Remote - will be required to attend Leicester HQ weekly

Level 3 Nursery Practitioner

Thames Ditton, Surrey