
Chain goes for parent webcams

One of the UK's largest nursery groups is to install webcams in all its nurseries. The Manor Tree Group, part of CfBT, is the first of the top 20 chains to sign up to a scheme whereby parents are able to log on to see their child's day at nursery.
One of the UK's largest nursery groups is to install webcams in all its nurseries.

The Manor Tree Group, part of CfBT, is the first of the top 20 chains to sign up to a scheme whereby parents are able to log on to see their child's day at nursery.

Director Sally Eaton said that the decision to install webcams was a response to parents' needs.

Cherry Trees in Slough, Berkshire, is the first of the Manor Tree's nurseries to install the equipment, in a deal with NurseryCam.

The scheme has so far proved very popular with parents. Around half of the 100 parents whose children attend the nursery have signed up to it, including a grandmother in Australia.

The nursery already had CCTV in the baby room which Ms Eaton said was set up for parents' 'peace of mind when they were settling the children in' and that installing a webcam was 'a natural progression' from this.

'It was always in our minds to do it and it was about listening to what parents were asking for. We consulted with them first and asked them to raise any concerns. The parents really like it and have been very positive,' she said.

The cameras are switched off at lunchtime and also during the children's nap time in the afternoon.

Parents use a password to log on and are only able to access the webcam on the days that their children are in the nursery. The nursery manager is able to see which parents are logged on at any time.

Ms Eaton said that the staff had no objections. 'Quite honestly, I don't think the staff feel they have anything to hide. It's a good nursery and they're more than willing to trial it.'

She said that the webcam system would be extended to the other nurseries in the group in the next 12 months.

Ms Eaton also said that Manor Tree was considering using the webcams for training purposes and to share good practice within the group.

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